Dark Web Monitoring

Protect your digital credentials with Dark Web ID.

The Dark Web is made up of a variety of digital communities, and while there are legitimate purposes for the Dark Web, it is estimated that over 50 percent of all sites on the Dark Web today are used for criminal activities, including the disclosure and sale of digital credentials. 

Combat this by taking advantage of Avalon Cyber’s Dark Web ID, our monitoring and identity theft protection solution with around-the-clock scanning and alerting for compromised data. This sophisticated platform allows your IT team to scour millions of sources, including botnets, criminal chat rooms, malicious websites, and illegal black-market sites – without connecting directly to these risky services.

What you’ll receive from our Dark Web ID service
  • 24/7/365 Dark Web monitoring, threat intelligence, and identity monitoring
  • Alerts that your digital credentials have been compromised BEFORE a breach occurs
  • Award-winning, easy-to-use platform that installs in minutes